28 January 2018

Georgia Style :: Interview with Vedran Bajat, Casino Adjara, Tbilisi, Georgia

from Casino Life Magazine
January 2018

Celebrating their 20th anniversary this summer will be Casino Adjara, the oldest and trendiest casino in the heart of the Tbilisi.  Drawing regular guests from both a strong local base and neighboring countries, Casino Adjara is considered the place to play in Georgia.

Casino Life Magazine
January 2018
We are fortunate to catch-up with Vedran Bajat, an industry veteran and Managing Director at Casino Adjara.

[CL]  Can you give us a bit on your background?   What got you into the casino industry and how did you progress to Casino Adjara?

[VB] I was born and brought up in Dubrovnik, Croatia where I started working in the Casino as a dealer during my studies in Economic University. In the early nineties I was forced to move from my home town due to war escalation in the region. After moving to a couple of cities, I was invited to Moscow to join an ex colleague of mine in one small casino project. That turned out to be a crucial moment in my career and life in general, as soon after my arrival in Moscow I started working for Solna Leisure, Management Company which was running Moscow’s most popular casino “Metelitsa”. I started as Assistant Pit Boss and during 14 years I progressed through the whole management structure.

Unfortunately in July 2009 we were forced to close our operation due to well known law which was created by Russian Government to ban all casinos on Russian territory. Soon after closure of Metelitsa, Solna Leisure together with our partner decided to purchase Casino Adjara, the most renowned gambling operation in Georgia and we have successfully run it for over 8 years.

Left to Right:
Vedran Bajat Managing Director Casino Adjara
Justin Whitcroft General Manager at Casino Adjara
Ian Livingstone CEO at Solna Leisure Holding Ltd
I took the role of General Manager from very beginning and three years ago was promoted to my current position of Managing Director of this great complex.

[CL]  How long has Casino Adjara been serving the gaming market in Tbilisi?

[VB]  Casino Adjara will be celebrating its 20th Anniversary in June 2018 which makes it longest operating gaming operation in Georgia. It is a great achievement, as it would be hard to find many Companies that operate for such a long time on Georgian market. Knowing that the gaming business doesn’t belong to the list of long lasting businesses in this part of world Casino Adjara should be even more proud of its achievement.

[CL] As Casino Adjara will be celebrating its 20th anniversary in the summer of 2018, will there be a celebratory event?

[VB]  Yes, we plan to organize two days celebration on 15th &16th of July with outdoor and indoor entertainment and lottery with prize fund 500.000GEL (around 200.000 USD)

[CL]  How does Casino Adjara rank in terms of Georgian casinos?

[VB]  Maybe I will sound biased but I strongly believe that Casino Adjara is the best casino in a currently highly competitive Georgian market. With its 37 gaming tables and 250 slots it is the largest operation as well. Average daily attendance of 1300 visitors puts Casino Adjara on the top of the list according to these parameters. 

[CL]  How large is the physical size of the casino?

 [VB] Casino Adjara consists of 3 gaming floors with total size of 2500 m. 

[CL]   Regarding demographics, where do most of the players come from?   As the casino is in the heart of Tblisi, Is there much of an international draw?

[VB]  Casino Adjara has a strong local customer base but it also attract clients from surrounding countries, many of which don’t have casinos operating on their territory. So we are proud to say that we have a lot of regular customers from Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Iran, Iraq, UAE, Qatar and several other countries in the region.

[CL] With a strong local customer base, does the casino have a program for responsible gambling?  What measures are taken to protect the irresponsible gamblers?

[VB]  Unfortunately we don’t do much in structured and organized way where all Casinos act jointly to reduce side effects of our activity. We were actively participating in Responsible gaming program in Moscow for many years but in Georgia we try to work individually with gamblers that show signs of irresponsible gambling.  

[CL]  How many table games and slots are available to guests?

[VB] We offer 37 live gaming tables including 4 stud poker tables. On slots side we offer 180 slot machines from various popular brands and 70 electronic roulette stations where players can play simultaneously on two automated and one manual roulette wheel.

[CL] What are the casino's more popular table games?

[VB] Roulette is traditionally the most popular game in this market but different variations of poker are also very popular among our customers. Surprisingly, Blackjack popularity is far behind roulette and poker.

[CL]  Does Casino Adjara have tournaments for table games, for slots?

[VB] No we don’t organize tournaments on live games or slot machines. On the other hand we invest a lot into different lotteries on live games and slots, offering a wide range of prizes which are aimed at attracting everybody starting from small players and finishing with high rollers. For example, for the next 6 months lottery cycle we budgeted around 1.9 million Lari (cca. 750.000 USD). On stud poker we organize regular Cash Festivals which are highly appreciated by our local and foreign players.

 [CL] How active are the restaurants & bars at the casino.  Are they a large draw?

[VB]  We have by one restaurant and bar on each gaming floor and they are usually quite busy. We do quite a lot of complementary services to our regular players which obviously increase activity there.

[CL]  Are Casino Adjara and the Holiday Inn Tbilisi part of the same corporate group?  Is there a
marketing cooperation between the two?

[VB] No, Casino Adjara and Holiday Inn are different companies but we maintain a close business relationship which is of mutual benefit. From time to time we have some joint marketing efforts.

[CL] How active is the casino in social media?

[VB] We are obviously presented in social media but frankly we don’t invest enough into that kind of promotion.

Casino Life would like to thank Vedran Bajat for his time and insight in contributing to this interview.

17 January 2018

[Interview] 배리 화이트, 스파컨설턴트 - 홍콩 소재 스파컨설팅그룹 화이트社 대표 :: Mr. Barry White - Health, Wellness, Spa & Fitness

from Wellness Today Korea
16 January 2018

[Interview] 배리 화이트, 스파컨설턴트 - 홍콩 소재 스파컨설팅그룹 화이트社 대표

[편집자 주] 웰니스투데이는 수년째 글로벌 스파 웰니스 분야 유력 인사들을 만나 이들의 다양한 사업 이야기를 청취해 오고 있습니다. 2018 새해 첫 순서로 국제적인 스파 컨설턴트로 지명도가 높은 배리 화이트(Barry White) 대표를 인터뷰할 수 있었습니다. 화이트 대표는 오랫동안 랭함그룹 소속 스파 전문가로 활동하다 2017년에 자신의 성을 딴 화이트(WHITE Ltd Company ) 사를 홍콩과 마닐라에 설립, 현재 아시아를 비롯해 유럽, 미주를 넘나들며 열정적으로 스파 컨설팅 사업을 전개하고 있습니다.
[WT]  이 분야에 종사하게 된 배경을 소개해 달라. 웰니스 분야에는 어떤 계기로 진입하였으며, 특히 동아시아 지역과의 인연은?

▲ Mr. Barry White, CEO at WHITE 
[BW]  제 경력은 헬스, 웰니스, 스파, 휘트니스 분야를 합쳐 25년이 좀 넘은 것 같습니다. 영국 에서 처음 이 분야 일을 시작했고, 호주를 거쳐 아시아로 오게 되었습니다. 아시아에는 2004년 홍콩에서 랭함플레이스 호텔이 개장할 당시 프레오픈 프로젝트 책임자로 부임했고, 이후 줄곧 홍콩에서 거주하고 있습니다. 랭함그룹에서 14년 가량 일했는데, 그 사이 다양한 경험을 할 수 있었고, 특히 추안스파(Chuan Spa) 브랜드를 개발하여 성장시킬 수 있었던 것이 개인적으로 무척 소중한 경험이었습니다. 추안스파는 랭함그룹 산하, 즉 세계 각지에 있는 랭함플레이스호텔과 코디스호텔에 직영으로 설립된 럭셔리 스파 웰니스 브랜드로 국제적인 상도 많이 받았습니다. 추안스파는 제게 남들이 갖기 힘든 꿈 같은 기회를 제공했고, 2017년에 독립하여 창업을 결심하기까지 중요한 자산이자 밑거름이 되었습니다.

[WT]  회사의 특징을 소개한다면?

[BW]  회사 이름은 화이트(WHITE, www.wswf.co) 이고, 다양한 분야를 진행하고 있습니다. 스파, 웰니스, 휘트니스 산업이 주력이구요. 경영컨설팅을 제공하는데, 매장의 전체 경영, 혹은 요구에 따른 문제해결이나 운영최적화 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다. 마케팅 및 이벤트 관련 통합 서비스로 제공합니다. 물론 전통적인 마케팅 외에 e비즈니스, SEM, SEO, 소셜미디어 컨텐츠 등도 포함됩니다. 또 전문가 초청 이벤트를 소셜 미디어를 기반으로 기획, 진행하여 고객과의 소통을 확대하는 서비스에도 전문성을 갖고 있습니다.

개인적으로 지난 14년 동안 30건이 넘는 개발 및 오픈 프로젝트를 진행했던 경험을 바탕으로 신규 프로젝트 및 테크니컬 서비스를 제공하는 데도 많은 강조점을 두고 있습니다. 또 제품회사들에 대해서도 아시아 시장 진출 관련 컨설팅을 제공하고 있는데, 이 때문에 저희의 독립적인 사업도 있지만, 타지역의 제품회사들과 파트너십을 구축해 이들 브랜드들이 이 지역에서 성장할 수 있도록 돕는 역할도 수행하고 있습니다.

저희는 실력있는 웰니스 및 라이프스타일 회사들과도 제휴, 인력, 제품, 장비 등을 공급받아 저희 고객들에게 제공합니다. 한마디로 저희는 웰니스사업과 관련한 종합 솔루션 제공 기업이라 이해하시면 좋을 것 같습니다.

[WT]  현재 홍콩과 마닐라에 사무실을 운영 중인데, 두 곳을 선택한 이유는?

▲ Private Entrance at CHI The Spa
[BW]  홍콩은 저희 회사의 모체가 있는 곳으로 모든 활동의 중심입니다. 홍콩은 허브 역할을 할 수 있는 국제도시로서 회사를 키우기에 좋은 환경을 갖고 있고 저희의 장기 성장 목표와 잘 어울린다고 생각합니다.

또 회사의 빠른 성장을 모색하기 위해 아시아 다른 지역을 둘러보았는데 마닐라가 유망한 곳으로 판단되었습니다. 운이 좋게 창업 첫해부터 이 지역에서 큰 프로젝트 몇 개를 수주했습니다. 필리핀은 웰니스 분야에서 매우 유망한 지역이라고 확신하고 있습니다.

[WT] 밀레니엄 시대에 접어들면서 웰니스 산업에 어떤 변화가 있다고 보는지?

[BW]  여러 면에서 많이 활성화되었다고 봅니다. 2천년대 들어 스파 웰니스 산업이 한동안 붐을 맞이했던 적이 있는데, 최근에는 산업의 입지나 대중의 이해도 면에서 훨씬 견고해지고 있고, 특히 산업의 지속성장에 대한 관심이 많아지고 있습니다. 지난 25년 간 다양한 시행착오와 노하우를 축적해 온 저희의 역량이 본격적으로 발휘될 환경이라고 봅니다.

[WT]  앞으로는 어떤 변화가 예상되는지? 그리고 산업 면에서 요구되는 측면이 있다면?

[BW]  웰니스 분야 사업주들이나 호텔기업들의 경우, 초기부터 전문가들에게 의뢰하여 전체적인 운영 뿐만 아니라 세세한 부분들, 그리고 수익성 부분까지 잘 챙길 필요가 있습니다. 웰니스 분야는 나름의 독특한 특성 요소들이 있기 때문에 성공적인 경영을 위해서는 첫 단계부터 제대로 자원을 투입하여 설계를 해야 합니다. 단순히 모방하는 방식으로는 결코 성공을 장담하기 어렵습니다.

[WT]  스파 경영에서 IT기술 활용 부분은 어떻게 조언하고 계신지? 스파 산업에서 기술 활용과 관련해서 특히 필요한 부분이 있다면?

[BW]  최근 스파 산업에서 IT기술은 중요한 화두입니다. 그간 IT기술을 접목하고 활용하는 사
▲ The Murray Hotel Gym 3F Gym
례가 부족했는데 점차 관심이 높아지고 있습니다. 호텔 산업 분야에서도 상대적으로 IT기술 활용도가 낮아서 늘 의아하게 생각했습니다. 이제 스파에서 IT기술 접목은 매우 긴요한 요소입니다. 앞서 언급했듯이 많은 호텔 운영자들이 스파는 수익원이 아니라는 고정관념에 젖어 있었던 것도 원인입니다. 이제는 태도를 바꿔야 하고, 이 부분에 많은 관심과 자원을 투입해야 합니다.

비교적 쉽게 접목할 수 있는 유용한 솔루션들도 등장해 있습니다. Book4Time (https://book4time.com) 같은 솔루션 프로그램이 대표적이죠. 이러한 기술 요소를 도입하면 사업 운영이 훨씬 쉬워지고 체계화됩니다.

[WT]  트리트먼트 룸에서도 기술 요소가 중시되는지?  그렇다면 현황은 어떤지?

[BW]  당연히 중요합니다. 또 오랫동안 중요한 부분이었습니다. 룸 안에서는 음악, AV, 조명, 환경제어 시스템 등이 활용됩니다. 트리트먼트와 서비스에 직접 적용하는 기술 외에도 이러한 환경 요소들이 고객의 체험 여건을 개선하는 데 매우 중요한 기능을 합니다.

물론 사업장이 강조하는 특성에 따라 반대의 경우도 생각할 수 있습니다. 워낙 기술이 넘치는 시대라서, 아예 기술 요소들을 단절시킨 ‘고요한’ 환경의 사업장들이 인기를 얻기도 합니다.

[WT]  최근에 어떤 프로젝트들을 수행했는지? 그리고 제공한 서비스의 내용은?

[BW] 경영컨설팅 쪽으로는 만니라 소재 샹그릴라 호텔의 Edsa 프로젝트(www.shangri-la.com/manila/edsashangrila/)를 맡아 진행했습니다. 그리고 프로젝트 단위로 보면, 홍콩 머레이호텔과 계약하여 웰니스 사업장 오픈 준비를 진행하는 일이 있습니다. 이 호텔(www.marcopolohotels.com/en/niccolo/hotels/hongkong/central/the_murray/index.html)은 1월 15일에 개장합니다.

[WT]  ‘화이트 아트 컨셉’(White Art Concepts)이라는 것은 무엇인가? 그간의 성과는?

[BW] 제가 개인적으로 관심을 쏟아온 사업입니다. 지난 약20년 간 홍콩에서 이른바 ‘팝업’ 전시회를 몇 번 개최했습니다.  가장 최근에는 작년 3월부터 5월 사이에 진행했구요. 작가이신 부친의 작품이 약4천5백 점 정도 있어서 재미삼아 팝업 전시를 시작했습니다. 생각보다 반응이 좋아서 여러 점 팔기도 했습니다. 아시아 여러 지역에서 계속 개최할 생각입니다. 이제 노하우도 생겼고, 다른 작가들도 초대해 대중과 접촉하는 기회를 제공해 보려 합니다.

인터뷰에 시간을 할애해 주신 화이트 대표께 감사를 표한다.

화이트 대표에 대해 더 자세히 아시려면 웹사이트 www.wswf.co 를 방문하면 된다.

< 저작권자 © 웰니스투데이 무단전재 및 재배포금지 >

Bill Healey의 다른기사 보기

===== English version =====

[Interview] Mr. Barry White - Health, Wellness, Spa & Fitness

Through the years we develop a pool of highly qualified and experienced contacts in the Spa & Wellness sector. In this interview, Wellness Today is fortunate to start the new year (2018) discussing the industry with Barry White, a highly regarded professional in global wellness.

[WT] Could you give us a bit of a background on your experience in the industry? What led you into Wellness, and the path that took you into east Asia?

▲ Mr. Barry White, CEO at WHITE 
[BW] My experience in the health, wellness, spa and fitness industry spans over 25 years. First starting out in the UK, moving on to Australia and then to Asia. My permanent move to Asia was in 2004 when I moved to Hong Kong to become pre-opening Director for the newly opened Langham Place Hotel. This was the start of my amazing 14 years with Langham Hospitality Group, in which time I was not only able to grow in terms of new promotions and roles, but more fundamental I was given the unique opportunity of relative freedom to create, develop and define the Chuan Spa brand. Chuan Spa is Langham’s proprietary luxury award winning spa and wellness brand that is located in all Langham, Langham Place and Cordis hotels globally. It was a ‘dream’ role, that is hard to come by and has given me the best platform and tuition to starting my own company in 2017.

[WT] What is the focus of your company?

[BW] My company is called WHITE (www.wswf.co) and I am developing broad elements of the business. First is in the spa, wellness and fitness space. Whereby I am providing management consultancy services, whether it be full management services, bespoke trouble shooting or a business optimization focus. We are providing comprehensive marketing and event solutions, this includes full traditional marketing solutions, in addition to e-business, SEM, SEO and social media content. We are also providing specialist event organization, which combined with our social media marketing expertise provides more engagement and return for the clients.

Given my extensive background in developing and opening over 30 projects in the last 14 years, WHITE is also providing project & technical services for new builds and pre-openings operations. Lastly, we are providing business development solutions to product companies specifically wishing to growth their portfolio in the Asia market. We operate between the owning company and regional agents / distributors, to provide additional expertise required to ensure brand integrity and consistency, whilst growing the brand in partnership with regional agents and distributors in keys market, who may not be able to secure the level of expertise we provide on a full-time basis.

We have also partnered with some of the leading wellness and lifestyle companies, to also support us provide recruitment, product and equipment solutions to our clients. Thus providing a comprehensive solution to any wellness business owner or operator whether in development or in operation.

[WT] You presently have offices in Hong Kong and Manila. What is your intended reach with this base?

[BW] Hong Kong is our home, and is the base of all our activities. This location provides us with the environment and reach to continue to successfully grow WHITE. Hong Kong remains one of the top international Asian business hubs and is critical to our long-term objectives.

We have identified several key cities in Asia to enable quick growth, Manila being one of these. In our first year, we have secured several high-profile clients in Manila, and we believe that the Philippines has massive potential in the wellness space and we are commitment to growing in this amazing country.

[WT] Have there been significant changes in the Wellness Industry since the start of the millennium?

[BW] In many ways, the industry has come full circle. We have seen a ‘boom’ period in the early part of the ‘000, now the industry has become better understood and a standard in the hospitality sector. Now we are seeing more consolidation and a focus on making the sector more commercially sustainable. This is where I believe WHITE is able to support businesses old and new, as we have the in-depth experience, knowledge to understand the errors and successes over the past 25 years, to ensure that our clients are set for success and benefit directly from our 25 years of expertise in the wellness space.

▲ Private Entrance at CHI The Spa
[WT] What changes do you see are needed in the industry in the coming years?

[BW] Owners and hotel management companies need to invest early with experts in the industry, who really understand not only the operational and softer side of the business but more critically the project and commercial aspects. The hospitality sector of the industry, requires to invest and better understand the unique elements of the business in-order to demonstrate just how commercially and operationally successful this part of their business can be, if designed, set up and operated correctly. Rather than over simplify and cookie cut the approach to the industry.

[WT] How does technology play into your recommendations in spa management? Are there technology functions that are underutilized in the industry?

[BW] Technology in spas is only now becoming a big talking point in the industry. Its woefully underutilised, it's nothing new, just people are talking about it now. In the hospitality sector, I was always could not understand why in the hotel, all other depts., had IT solutions to assist optimize the dept, but when it came to the spa either you had nothing or the systems available were not very good. This in part was due to my answer in the last question and because many hoteliers have a built-in notion that spas don’t make money (it is also this attitude that is also significant factor of being able to grow and get investment in the industry).

In recent years this has changed, with the likes of Book4Time(https://book4time.com), now providing a system that is affordable and has been created with many of the requirement needed to effectively operate your business.

[WT] Does technology have a place in the treatment room, and how well are those needs presently addressed?

[BW] Absolutely, Technology has had a functional place in the treatment room, for a long time, whether it be music, AV, lighting, and environmental controls. But now there is significant opportunity to enhance these functional experience, in additional to compliment these with introducing technology into treatments and services themselves. In order to become a fully immersive experience.

However, the opposite equally has value, subject to the focus of the business. Having technology free environment, in a technology rich world is becoming increasing popular. Finding a ‘silent’ space to disconnect is as important.

[WT] Are you able to highlight a couple of your projects and what your services did for them?

[BW] Management Consultant - Appointed by Edsa, Shangri-la Hotel, Manila as their management consultant. http://www.shangri-la.com/manila/edsashangrila/

Project Consultant - Appointed by The Murray hotel, Hong Kong. As pre-opening project consultant for their wellness facilities. Hotel opens on the 15th January 2018.


▲ The Murray Hotel Gym 3F Gym
[WT] Could you explain "White Art Concepts"? How did this evolve?

[BW] This is very much a passion project. Over the last two years, I have had several ‘pop-up’ art exhibitions in Hong Kong, mostly recently last year between March – May 2017. My Dad is a prolific artist and has over 4500 original art works in his portfolio. I decide to do a ‘pop-up’ concept to exhibit his work, mainly because it was a fun process. These have been very well received and we have been lucky to have sold a number of pieces. Moving forward I intend to exhibit around Asia, using the same pop-up concept. Having now completed two exhibitions and obtained the know how to conduct these exhibitions successfully. White Art Concepts, is a platform for any up and coming artist who has the desire to exhibit their work to the public. We provide a turnkey affordable solution to enable them to realise this objective.

Wellness Today would like to thank Barry White for his time and contribution to this interview. He may be reached at:

Website: www.wswf.co
IG: whitelivingglobal

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07 January 2018

Pala Casino Spa & Resort :: Renovation with Innovation

from Casino Life Magazine
Issue 113 - January 2018

Nestled in the secluded foothills north of San Diego, California is one of the state’s top casino resort destinations, Pala Casino Spa & Resort.  Though designated with a AAA Four-Diamond rating, the gaming and entertainment resort has undertaken an extensive $170 million expansion and renovation project beginning in the autumn of 2017.

Casino Life Magazine
Issue 113 -January 2018
We have been fortunate to catch-up with Bill Bembenek, the CEO to discuss the casino and their ongoing renovation.

[CL] Could you give us a bit of a background on your industry experience, and what led you to Pala Resort.

[BB]  I began my gaming career in 1992 in the Chicagoland market, holding director level positions at the Empress Casino in Illinois and the Blue Chip Casino in Northwest Indiana. 

I  joined the Pala management team in April 2001 as director of slot operations, and was promoted to vice president of slot operations and database marketing .  In 2003 I named assistant general manager and progressed to the level of CEO.

Prior to my gaming career, I served two years in the United States Army as a communications specialist.

Bill Bembenek
Pala Resort CEO
[CL]  Pala Resort is in the midst of a US$ 170 million expansion and renovation.  What does this signify for the property?

[BB]  Our ability to exponentially expand and refresh Pala Casino Spa & Resort is a true testament to, not only the growth of Pala, but also to the thriving economy and the continued strength of the gaming industry in California,  This is a significant milestone for the Pala Tribe and we look forward to continuing to exceed the expectations of our loyal patrons.

[CL]  What are the facilities like at the present time in late 2017?

[BB]  As we start the project, the existing facilities at Pala Casino Spa & Resort include: a Las Vegas-style casino with 2,000 slot machines, 80 table games and 15 poker tables; a 507-room hotel; a 10,000-square-foot, full-service spa and salon that features 14 treatment rooms; a state-of-the-art fitness center; swimming pool with 12 private poolside cabanas, and dual-temperature outdoor whirlpool hot tub. 

We also offer 10 restaurants and 40,000 square feet of meeting and convention space.  A new Pala RV Resort opened May 23, 2016, and offers 100 parking sites for RVs and trailers from 55 to 70 feet with full-service amenities for RVers.

[CL] The renovation & expansion is set to be completed by late 2019.  What will the facilities be like upon completion?

[BB] The $170 million renovation and expansion will include the addition of a new 348-room hotel tower as well as a complete remodelling the resort’s existing hotel tower.  When complete, Pala will boast 853 rooms including 104 unique suites and 749 deluxe rooms with dramatic views of the resort’s multi-pool and entertainment complex, event lawn and the scenic Palomar Mountain Range. To accommodate more hotel guests, the hotel parking structure will be expanded by adding 420 additional spaces.

The conversion of the existing resort pool into a multi-pool and entertainment resort complex will offer guests the opportunity to enjoy four pools, two whirlpools, a new poolside bar, a new poolside restaurant and various outdoor lounge spaces complete with fireplaces for evening cocktails. 

[CL]  How will the gaming area be impacted by the expansion?

[BB]  Pala’s gaming area will be completely remodelled and expanded by 12,000 square feet to a total of 102,000 square feet.  Within that expanded casino space, 500 new slot machines and several new table games are planned, increasing its offering of slot and video machines to 2,500 and its offering of table games to 88. A new casino bar and lounge will be introduced.

Pala’s food promenade will be converted into a restaurant complex offering a wide variety of food options in varied settings.  The restaurants will include casual café dining, Asian dining, a premium sushi restaurant and a sports bar restaurant offering live entertainment and dancing every Friday and Saturday night.  The new restaurants will complement Pala’s signature Choices the Buffet, the elegant Oak Room Steakhouse, the eclectic underground wine cave with its new California-casual restaurant, and Bar-Meets-Grill which will open in January 2018.

[CL]  How is this expansion being accepted by the local community?

[BB]  The Pala Casino Spa & Resort is highly regarded by the local community it supports.  Several local and state dignitaries have issued public statements on their support for the project:

One of the dignitaries at the October groundbreaking was California State Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez-Fletcher who mentioned, “I am proud to have played even a bit part in this important event for the Pala Band of Mission Indians, the State of California, and the local economy by authoring Assembly Bill 629 to ratify the tribal gaming compact that made today’s groundbreaking a reality.  This legislation was overwhelmingly supported by representatives from around California because of Pala’s commitment to the economic self-sufficiency of its people and to the surrounding community.”

Aso present was State Assemblymember Marie  Waldron added that “Pala has been a great neighbor to the surrounding communities in our district.  The casino and resort employs thousands of our residents and has had a tremendous impact on the economic prosperity of the Tribe's members. Under the leadership of Chairman Smith, Pala has been a vast economic driver in my district and the surrounding areas. Our region is a better place because of your efforts.”

[CL]  How has the development affected local employment?

[BB]  Pala’s renovation and expansion project will create 400 construction jobs and, once complete, add over 200 new employment opportunities to Pala’s current team of 2,000 team members.

Assemblymember Gonzalez-Fletcher had offered their support for the impact we’ve had on employment by stating, “One notable contribution by Pala has been its commitment to fair wages and employment, evident in its efforts to set a statewide standard for gaming operations that has provided many Californians with the middle-class wages that so many are struggling to obtain,” “I want to congratulate Chairman Smith and the Pala Band of Mission Indians on their achievement today, thank them for their friendship and commitment to the people of California, and wish them the best of luck in this next chapter of their gaming enterprise.”

[CL]  Does the Casino have table game or slot tournaments?

[BB] Yes.  Pala sponsors a slot tournament for players every month and a video poker tournament each quarter.  We do not sponsor table games tournaments.

[CL]   What are the demographics of the casino patrons?  Are they mostly local residents, or are there also tourists coming from greater distances?

[BB]  Our guest base comes from a large region of Southern California and from all ethnic, social and income-level backgrounds.  Our regular guests visit from Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Diego Counties.  Our market is from Santa Barbara on the north to Chula Vista at the border on the south.  On occasion, tourists who are vacationing in Southern California visit our hotel  and stay and play.  However, our guest base would have to be described as a large, local region.

[CL]   Does the Casino have a loyalty program for it's frequent patrons?

[BB]  Yes.  Our Privileges Club consists of five play levels: Privileges, Pearl, Gold, Platinum and Elite.  Players can earn an array of awards, discounts, prizes and invitations to special events and cash drawings based on their play level.  We also offer the public our online game, MyPalaCasino, at mypalacasino.com.  There is no cash exchanged on MyPalaCasino.  However, players may also win an array of prizes such as dinners, entertainment tickets, hotel nights, etc.

[CL] Is Pala involved active with Responsible Gaming?

[BB] Promoting responsible gambling has been a priority with Pala Casino Spa & Resort since opening in 2001.  Or efforts have been to create awareness of the potential risks associated with gambling  and providing resources to those who need help. Through the resort’s compact with the State of California in 2016, we have reaffirmed our commitment to assist Problem Gamblers. Our pledged is to promote responsible gaming; prevent underage gambling and unattended minors in the casino; serve alcoholic beverages responsibly; advertise responsibly; and to educate our Team Members in responsible gambling awareness.

[CL] With the casino’s successes, what Awards & Distinctions have come to Pala?

[BB] Pala Casino Spa & Resort is a high achieving property on many levels.  On a local level, it was voted Best Casino in San Diego by the public in the 10News.com annual A-List poll sponsored by KGTV-TV 10 News in San Diego.

Our state-of-the-art Pala Spa was named the number three spa in North America and the number one spa in the State of California, and the number one spa in the entire casino industry for 2016.  The ranking marked the eleventh consecutive year that Pala Spa has been ranked in the Top 100 and Top 10.

Pala RV Resort is rated a perfect 10/10*/10 by Good Sam, the national RV Resort rating publication.  Trailer Life and Motorhome magazines awarded Pala RV Resort its Gold Awards for 2016 as Best RV Resort Casino and Best Campground Resort. 

Construction of the AAA Four Diamond award winning property is officially underway and will be completed in phases. The first phase will be completed in spring of 2018 and the final phase in late 2019. 

Casino Life Magazine would like to thank Bill Bembenek and the team at Pala Resort for their time and cooperation with this article.

06 January 2018

Lavo Las Vegas :: A Tasteful Experience

from Casino Life Magazine
Issue 113 - Dec 2017

In the weeks following G2E Las Vegas, Casino Life Magazine was invited to experience the award-winning Lavo Las Vegas.  Considered by many to be a “must-visit” restaurant during a Vegas sojourn, we found it’s hype was exceeded by a real-life, first-hand experience.
Casino Life Magazine
Issue 113 - Dec 2017

Joining me was DJ Erny, an international DJ formerly based on tropical Bali and in the process of relocating to Las Vegas after a 12-year residency at the island's top Italian resto-lounge. Aside from Lavo being an ideal venue to celebrate her birthday, it also provided an unbeatable introduction to sin-city’s nightlife and a chance to experience the city’s top Italian restaurant.

Lavo’s vibe impressed us from the moment of arrival. Greeted by friendly hostesses, we were escorted through the busy lounge to our table inside. (Lavo also offers outside seating on their Terrace overlooking the famous Las Vegas Strip.)

From our table we were able to enjoy the venue’s ambiance and internal décor which was inspired by the Mediterranean bath houses of Southern Italy.  We took a moment to soak in Lavo’s warm colors and soft lighting emanating from the low-hanging chandeliers within the tile and stone walls, water-splashed plaster, high wooden ceilings. Their attention to detail provided a level of cozy sophistication.

Once seated, we were given menus by Jo, one of the friendliest waitresses you’ll ever meet.  She provided us with menus, along with her recommendations on what we should be sampling.
We were fortunate that Jo was well prepared to highlight their specialties -- so we didn’t spend much time with the menus, and went with recommendations. This turned out to be a very good choice.

For our appetizer we chose the Crispy Fried Calamari with fresh lemon, parsley, and spicy marinara along with their selection of breads. Having often had fried calamari on the seaside, we were eager to compare.  We were quite surprised, that even here in the Vegas desert, the quality of the calamari was the best we’ve had.  Our drinks with the appetizer and into our meals were a good selection of chardonnay.

For our main meals, we again follow Jo’s advice.  Erny ordered the Spaghetti with Meatballs -- an imperial wagyu, fresh ricotta, ragu. The wagyu meatballs are one of Lavo’s specialties and can be ordered as an appetizer or the main meal.   I in-turn, ordered the 20 oz. Bone-In Rib Eye (medium rare), dry aged, with garlic mashed potatoes, and roasted garlic with cream and extra virgin olive oil.  Both meals exceeded our expectations, and the portions were sizeable and more than we could finish.

Our main course was followed with a platter of dessert samplings that included New York
cheesecake, Tiramisu and an assortment of additional sweets.

We followed-up our meal with a couple mojitos to take-in a bit more of the evening vibe. During our two-hour visit, the DJ’s music picked up from lounge to a bit more up-tempo house as the evening progressed.  Mark Childers, Lavo’s Assistant General Manager kindly stopped by for a chat to see that all was going well.

Though Lavo has over 20,000 square feet of space, they remained extremely busy with a queue to get in.  Despite the fact that all tables were occupied, their service was impressive. Staff seemed to be everywhere, and yet seemed in sync and mixing well with customers. They were all very attentive and on point with their own tables, but also assisting other staff without hesitation. Glasses of water were always full, while empty plates were removed rather quickly.

Lavo Italian Restaurant and Nightclub is part of the The TAO GROUP, which is a leading restaurant and nightlife company that develops, owns and operates many of the most successful food, beverage and nightlife entertainment venues in the United States. Partners Marc Packer, Richard Wolf, Noah Tepperberg, and Jason Strauss have brought decades of hospitality experience to the brand portfolio.

Currently TAO Group boasts operations in New York City, Las Vegas, Los Angeles and Sydney, Australia. In New York City.  Along with Lavo, the collection includes Avenue, Beauty & Essex,, Marquee Nightclub, The Stanton Social, TAO Asian Bistro Uptown and TAO Asian Bistro Downtown. TAO Group operates all of the food and beverage outlets of the Dream Downtown hotel including room service, PHD Rooftop, Electric Room and Bodega Negra. Additionally, they operate all of the food & beverage outlets of the Dream Midtown hotel including The Rickey, Fishbowl and PHD Terrace. Las Vegas operations include TAO Asian Bistro, Nightclub & Beach at The Venetian, LAVO Italian Restaurant & Lounge at The Palazzo, Beauty & Essex at The Cosmopolitan and Marquee Nightclub & Dayclub at The Cosmopolitan. TAO Group’s most recent expansion to Los Angeles include Avenue, Beauty & Essex, Luchini Pizzeria & Bar, TAO Asian Bistro and The Highlight Room rooftop, lounge, pool and grill atop the Dream Hollywood. Marquee Nightclub at The Star – Sydney represents the company’s first international offering. TAO Group regularly brings the brands to additional markets via pop-up venues at noted events such as the Sundance Film Festival and the Superbowl, among others.

TAO Group will soon unveil three new concepts within Moxy Times Square including Legasea, a Seafood Brasserie; Egghead, an egg-centric all-day breakfast sandwich shop; and Magic Hour Rooftop Bar & Lounge, New York City’s largest hotel rooftop open all season. TAO Group will expand to new markets in 2018 including Chicago and Singapore.

A fashionable evening at Lavo for dinner and drinks was a welcomed break.  The service is top-notch, the Italian bath-house architecture is warm and inviting, and the sophisticated ambiance puts one at ease.   Highly recommended for a night out on the town.

03 January 2018

International Roadtrip :: Leisure Software and Localization

from Gaming & Leisure Magazine
Winter 2017-2018

Though I’ve spent many of my summer months on a golf course less than a mile from my boyhood home in Michigan (USA), I still find a round of golf to be one of life’s biggest challenges.  I have felt a bit “disabled” by the game of golf, often unable to control my shots.

Gaming & Leisure Magazine
Winter 2017-2018
With a lifetime in the leisure software industry (golf & spa), I found it a bit funny when I went to Google Translate to see how the system would translate “Golf Handicap”. A couple of options came up:  “Cacat Golf” in Indonesian, “高尔夫球障碍” in Simplified Chinese.  Cacat Golf in Indonesian translates back to “disabled golf” a translation that may have been more appropriate to my golf game than for use in golf club software.  高尔夫球障碍 in Chinese translates back to “golf ball obstacle”.

Based in Asia since 1998, I have assisted multiple companies in developing a multi-lingual, multi-national leisure management systems for golf and spa management.  The mission for each is that the systems must be be sensitive to language and cultural needs worldwide.

The firms have typically looked to translate their systems into a half-dozen languages in their initial phases, including Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean Thai and Bahasa Indonesian/Malaysian.

My request for each is that their systemS would not rely on automated translation tools.  One of the early suggestions by an industry contact was “why not use Google’s tools to automatically translate the system into these languages.”  Knowing issues others have had with real-time online translations, I ran “Golf Handicap” through Google Translate simply as a demonstration.  When “Cacat Golf” in Indonesian, “高尔夫球障碍” in Simplified Chinese or “khuyết tật golf” in Vietnamese appeared for golf handicap  (“Golf Handicap”/ “Golf Disability”), it was clear we needed to rely on linguistics professionals to assist in the translations.

Though I am aware of issues with online translation programs, I do find that I use them several times a day for communications coming in from Vietnam, China, Korea and elsewhere.  Google Translate and other programs have allowed me to understand the general meaning of a message.  With all the terminology unique to the spa & golf industry, translations into multiple Asian languages is not something I’d leave to a general unassisted online translator.  We didn’t want the system “disabled” by improper translations.

Developing international leisure software and localisation

In developing software it is undoubtedly influenced by the culture and the language of the designers and programmers.  Extracting the culturally and linguistically dependent part of applications is part of the internationalization process.  Script-specific aspects (character encoding, character sizes, line size and spacing), cultural conventions, numbers and dates, icons and symbols, and the use of colour by technical designers are some of the issues in the localisation process.

New products should be enabled for localisation - designed in a way that make the systems culturally-independent.  These systems should be easily adaptable for customers within target markets whether it be Myanmar, Cambodia, Thailand or Argentina.

Software internationalization provides a framework for localisation.  It streamlines the process of designing and developing products with features and functionality that facilitate the adaptation of the product to targeted global markets.

Localisation is a different process however, as it takes a the internationalized software and adds features and functionality that match a specific culture and market.  The transparency of the local language, the translation of menus, messages, and online tutorials are issues that are addressed in a localisation process.

Localisation is a linguistic task because the translation requirement is not simply the substitution of one line of text with another.  During the process several pieces of text may need to be brought together, resulting in a more natural feel for the native speaker.

In developing the software we needed to be able to indicate the required text in a neutral way and then extracting the translation at the time the system is accessed, which in turn represents the intended meaning.  Producing the message at run time is a problem of language generation, given the elements of meaning and the rules of composition.

It is also a linguistic problem because many software packages capture and manipulate text that has been supplied by the users.  Examples of this are word processors and database management systems.  In using these packages we are frequently required to match text.  What constitutes an acceptable match depends upon the language.  We frequently ask for text to be sorted — sort orders are language and culture specific.  Software embeds assumptions very deeply — for example, hashing algorithms that will be constructed with the statistical properties of a particular corpus of words or names in mind.

Software localisation is also a tech issue because the system must be able to organize and isolate the linguistic components in a manner that allows them to be replaced and displayed.

If your first language is English, French, Russian, German, or Spanish, most of the software you use is likely in your native language.  For those whose native language is different from those, software in your own language is likely an exception to the rule.  Too often software developers assumed it was easier for Asian users to speak & read English than to create a version of their product in Thai, Japanese, or Chinese.

Localisation - Serious Business

Software localisation has become a serious business as users are demanding not only software in the major language of their country but also in the native languages in their region.  Part of the drive to localize software comes from the changing profile of computer users.  No longer is it just highly educated people using sophisticated software.  Today's computer users extend across all layers of society.  In the hospitality industry, a majority of the staff in the office, restaurant, spa and golf shop are local hires while management may be from overseas.  A localized version of the software significantly benefits both the local staff and overseas manager.

Smartphones have also helped advance the need for local language support throughout a management system.  Many of the spa therapists and club’s caddies use the mobile phone as their primary means of communication with friends and their employer.  Wherever the club may be located, it is a significant benefit to send schedules, updates and general news to the therapists, caddies and other staff in their native language.