04 July 2012

東南亞賭場展望2012 - 聚焦:柬埔寨和越南

從博彩及休閒雜誌Gaming and Leisure Magazine

一個地區的城鎮和充滿活力的城市,充滿活力的文化和宗教傳統,異國情調的美食,山區和原始海灘, 東南亞為旅遊愛好者提供了一個經驗的多樣性。有了合理的基礎設施,目的地相距僅數小時的空氣,和一些在世界上最好的酒店,它吸引旅客數字顯著增長。

Gaming and Leisure Magazine, Summer 2012
從博彩及休閒雜誌 -  2012年夏天
東南亞是一個相對較小的地理區域,包括 文萊, 柬埔寨,東帝汶, 印尼,老撾, 馬來西亞, 緬甸, 巴布亞新幾內亞, 菲律賓, 新加坡 泰國。雖然分散多元的文化,語言,宗教和貨幣,他們通過東南亞國家聯盟(東盟)協會保持相對強勁的商業債券。



的故事 新加坡因為它涉及到遊戲已經相當知名。既拉斯維加斯金沙和雲頂運作新加坡投資超過50億美元,在他們的綜合賭場度假村。他們的表現一直是巨大的,博彩毛收入超過4百億美元的利率市場。

兩個國家與即將推出的五星級綜合賭場度假村 柬埔寨 越南:


一個更具活力的賭場在該地區的發展機遇是, 柬埔寨。在這15萬人的小國擁有超過25個合法賭場,柬埔寨對遊客的首席遊戲市場已經從接壤的國家 泰國, 老撾和 越南。 


金界娛樂城之中的湄公河風景如畫的地形和被發現 洞裡薩湖 河流 在充滿活力的柬埔寨國會 金邊,豐富的高棉歷史的城市。據傳說,金界娛樂城來自神話傳說的7頭龍或它的名字“那伽”。雄偉的龍被認為要居住在河流和守衛入口金邊。故事透露只瞄準在彩虹的外觀,並因此被視為非常幸運。類似彩虹年底黃金鍋,金界娛樂城被比喻為一個新的開端和繁榮有希望的象徵。


其中市場拓展計劃上是新Thansur波哥高地度假村 柬埔寨南部海岸。該網站有其在20124月的試營業,並有望在今年年中正式開業。1200英畝的度假地點是沿著懸崖的邊緣海拔近3600英尺的位置顯著。它包括前法國殖民地的酒店,建於1917年,成為賭場之前,它被遺棄在柬埔寨的內戰。



賭場開發商已定睛在西哈努克城的南部海岸,暹粒,網站 柬埔寨最知名的旅遊景點,吳哥窟。


有人口接近9100萬, 越南 是人口最多的國家之一。 東南亞為賭場和旅遊業的發展提供了一個獨特的市場機會。根據美林的報告,該國擁有地區的百萬富翁增長最快的國家之一,境外博彩和休閒投資者提供額外的獎勵。

1 - 20123月)前三個月的旅遊統計表明,國際旅客達1873726,較去年同期增長24.5%。統計平均,把每年18%的旅遊業的增長在過去的幾年中,增強國際投資者的利益。

不少博彩幾年, 越南是一個國家深諳在該行業的複雜性,以及亞洲地區的競爭態勢。在努力,以確保外國遊戲投資者,政府是在起草博彩法令,將現有的市場結構帶來更為清晰的過程。

政府一直在考慮多個大型綜合賭場度假村的網站,包括中央海岸峴港, 下龍灣 海灣在南北和Ho Tram的。目前,在MGM Grand Ho Tram的是正在建設中的唯一網站,預計在2013年打開。

五個五星級MGM Grand Ho Tram的第一階段將提供541luxury客房,世界一流的設施,會議中心和一個壯觀的遊戲區。第二階段將採用一個新的塔,有549額外的客房鹽漬的總數達到1100家五星級酒店客房。

在高增長的東盟地區, 柬埔寨 越南 提高他們的地位,與世界級綜合娛樂場度假村除了博彩目的地。

01 July 2012

SE Asia Casino Outlook 2012 - Focus: Cambodia & Vietnam

from Gaming & Leisure Magazine
Summer 2012

A region with vibrant towns and cities, dynamic cultural and religious traditions, exotic cuisines, mountains and pristine beaches, Southeast Asia offers a diversity of experiences for the travel enthusiast.  With reasonable infrastructure, destinations only hours apart by air, and some of the best hotels in the world, it’s attracting travelers in significantly growing numbers.

Southeast Asia is a relatively small geographic area including Brunei, Cambodia, Timor Leste, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.  Though fragmented by diverse culture, language, religion and currencies, they do maintain a relatively strong commercial bond through the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

Southeast Asia is currently experiencing rapid economic growth while at the same time showing signs of increasing inflation. In fact, Vietnam has been grappling with inflation issues for over the last year.  Southeast Asian currency values have also been increasing in value, against the U.S. dollar in particular. This has mainly been due to the massive investment in the region.

All of this economic growth has resulted in something that is highly valued by the casino gaming industry: disposable income. As these economies become awash in monetary liquidity, so do the consumers. As the people become wealthier and well-informed on tourism options, their demand for casino gaming entertainment grows.

The story of Singapore as it relates to gaming is already rather well known. Both Las Vegas Sands and Genting operate in Singapore, and invested over US$5 billion each in their integrated casino resorts. Their performance has been enormous, with gross gaming revenue for the market exceeding a US$4 billion run-rate.

Two countries with upcoming five-star integrated casino resorts include Cambodia and Vietnam:


One of the more dynamic casino development opportunities in the region is that of Cambodia.  Boasting more than 25 legal casinos in this small nation of 15 million people, Cambodia’s chief gaming market has been on tourists from the bordering countries of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam.  

However, as the country continues to stabilize after decades of political chaos, casino developers are moving ahead with more ambitious integrated resorts designed to attract a broader clientele.   Cambodia’s first casino resort, NagaWorld, opened in 1995 as the finest integrated casino hotel in Indochina, rivaling other top casinos in the region.

Nagaworld is found amidst the picturesque terrain of the Mekong and Tonle Sap Rivers in the vibrant Cambodian capitol of Phnom Penh, a city rich in Khmer history.  According to legend, NagaWorld derived its name from the mythical fable of a 7-headed dragon or “Naga.”  The majestic dragon was believed to be residing in the rivers and guarding the entrance to Phnom Penh.  The tale revealed its only sighting during the appearance of a rainbow and was thus considered very fortunate.  Similar to the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, NagaWorld is likened to a promising symbol of new beginnings and prosperity.

With a multi-faceted 8-story wing dedicated to entertainment, NagaWorld guests enjoy the exquisitely themed public gaming halls, karaoke lounges, dedicated spa and gaming machines.  The combined offering of more than 500 luxurious Deluxe Rooms and plush Suites in the 14-storey hotel wing provide lavish comforts and an invigorating time of discovery, where an extend stay is the norm.

Among the planned market expansion is the new Thansur Bokor Highlands Resort on Cambodia’s southern coast.  The site has had its soft opening in April 2012, and is expected to officially open in mid-year.  The 1,200-acre resort site is notable for its location along a cliff's edge nearly 3,600 feet above sea level.  It includes a former French colonial hotel, built in 1917, that became a casino before it was abandoned during Cambodia's civil wars.

Developed by a division of Sokimex Group, the casino resort will include 418 rooms, a convention center, spa facilities and an edutainment center for children.  (Sokimex Group is a Cambodian conglomerate that controls mush of the country’s oil industry).  A championship golf course designed by Arnold Palmer is currently in the plans.

Despite protests from advocacy groups that worry about crime and forced relocation of residents, the Cambodian government has been approving new casino development at a rather rapid rate.  Reports show that casinos generated $20 million in tax revenue last year, a 25% increase over 2010.

Casino developers have been looking intently at Sihanoukville on the southern coast, and Siem Reap, the site of Cambodia’s best known tourist attraction, the Angkor Wat temple.


Having a population nearing 91 million, Vietnam is one of the most populous countries in Southeast Asia, providing a unique market opportunity for both casino and tourism development.  According to a report by Merrill Lynch, the country boasts one of the fastest growth rates in the region of millionaires, providing additional incentive for outside gaming and leisure investors. 

Tourism statistics for the first three months (January – March 2012) indicate international arrivals reached 1,873,726, representing a 24.5% growth the same period last year.  On average, statistics put the growth of tourism at 18% per year for the past few years, boosting the interest of international investors.

With quite a few years in gaming, Vietnam is a country well versed in the intricacies of the industry, as well as the competitive dynamics of the Asian region.  In an effort to assure foreign gaming investors, the government is in the process of drafting a Gaming Decree that will bring clarity to the existing market structure.

The government has been considering multiple sites for large integrated casino resorts including DaNang on the central coast, Halong Bay in the north and Ho Tram in the south.  At present, the MGM Grand Ho Tram is the sole site under construction, slated to open in 2013.

The first stage for the five-star MGM Grand Ho Tram will offer 541luxury guest rooms, world-class amenities, a conference centre and a spectacular gaming area.    The second phase will incorporate a new tower with 549 additional guest rooms, brining the total to 1100 five-star hotel rooms.

In the high-growth Asean region, Cambodia and Vietnam are improving their status as gaming destination with the addition of world-class integrated casino resorts.