01 December 2013

Hot Interview - Yasha Chatab

from Hotelier Indonesia
Issue 15, November 2013

We were fortunate to catch up with Yasha Chatab at the Indonesia E-Tourism Summit in Bali a few weeks back.  He is the Group Business Development Director at WIR Group.

[HI] You have quite an extensive background in the Corporate Branding industry. Could you
Hotelier Indonesia Magazine
Issue 15, November 2013
summarize your industry background?

[YC]  After my 4 years in MetroTV, I went to the "dark side", as referred to by some skeptic journalist friends, working and communicating the interests of corporations: as public relations consultant.

However, all the messages that are communicated to the public (and also internally within an organization / corporation) usually has a source. That source, I discovered, came from the BRAND platform. I had always drawn to the core of communications and I found it in branding. So it's been my passion ever since. Many problems in communications start at the brand platform level, mostly because it doesn't exist or somehow an organization has deviated from it. I'm here to correct that. Also I realized that it is NOT the dark side afterall..

[HI] What corporate philosophy or mission drives WIR Global?  And that drives you?

[YC]  My passion for branding is what drives me. WIR offers services that cover the brand platform and how to activate brands using different channels: public relations, technology, digital campaign, and many more.

[HI] You've consulted for some impressive clients around the world. What are some of the exotic locations and sites your travels have taken you to?

[YC]  Myanmar has so far been the most exotic place during my tenure in WIR. And I haven’t even been to the most exotic places there. However, I'm still very much amazed by places in Indonesia. I just visited Bromo, in my semi-leisure time to run the Bromo (half) Marathon in early September, and it really blew me away. I really wish to work with more regional tourism boards / local governments to work on their destination branding.

[HI] What are some of the interesting trends in hospitality branding?

[YC]  Hospitality branding, as in other industries, involves different players working on different strategies to achieve each party's objective. The trend that I see is that country tourism boards are getting more sophisticated and creative in creating campaign to promote their country as tourism destination. Indonesia still needs to work on its branding, although I know the Ministry (of Tourism and Creative Economy) are working hard on this. The key words are "leadership", "coordination", and "integrated effort". No easy task.

Any successful campaign done abroad and domestically must also have a good local campaign to ensure that what is promised is delivered by local parties.

[HI] How do you see the prospects for industry growth in Asia for the coming years?

[YC]  As the regional economy is growing, more people are traveling and vacationing in the region. Many destinations to choose with many low-cost options.

[HI]  Are there particular countries that will surprise people?

[YC]  Any place that one has not been to has the potential to surprise him/her. Everytime I go to Bali I am always looking to be surprised by something new or something that will exceed my expectation.

[HI]  Its been said that a person's home is their castle.  What then is his his workspace?   For some it’s organized chaos. I’d like to ask what’s on your desk and how is that is a reflection of your workplace?

[YC]  I'm actually very mobile so I spend more than half my time at coffee shops or in the car. So that's my workspace! :D
[HI] We’d like to thank you for participating and contributing to Hotelier Indonesia. Is there anything further you’d like to add?

[YC]  The hotel industry in Indonesia is at a boom, especially in the 3-4 star hotel market. I think the success of the Tune Hotels brand (with its very hip image - low budget offering) has inspired other hotel groups (and new players). Sure, most people can copy the concept, create similar "hip" and minimalistic design, and apply similar pricing. But when a hotel brand has no clear and strong brand platform, in time they will lose the battle because they lack the "soul" that drives the business. The soul of the brand is what inspires employee to be the best at what they do. Business is about tangible and intangible. The intangible asset should be at least twice the value of the tangible asset, such as building and land value. For customers the brand experience of the hotel brands are about the holistic experience, not only about how big the rooms are or how cool the logos are placed in the amenities. So hotel owners must understand the need of a brand platform as the "soul" of the hotel.

[HI]  How would our readers find out more about your firm?

WIR Group Indonesia
website:  www.wirglobal.com

11 November 2013

Designer Nightclubs :: Opera DC, Encore Beach & Surrender Las Vegas

from Vietnam Golf Magazine
November 2013

Trendsetting designers around the globe have focused their creative talents into creating and managing the world’s most fashionable lifestyle nightclubs.  Several stylish late-night venues include Opera Ultra Lounge in Washington DC and Wynn Casino’s Encore Beach Club and
Vietnam Golf Magazine
November 2013
Surrender Nightclub in Las Vegas.

Opera Ultra Lounge
Washington, DC

When the concept of Washington DC’s newest lounge was first envisioned, the grand style, dramatic design, and elegant sophistication of the venue was worthy of only one name – Opera.  Brought to DC by a dynamic, experienced, and multi-talented group of managing partners, John Alexiades, Mood Bacho, Alex Haje, and Walid Zeytoun, Opera takes the lounge/nightclub concept to a new level of excellence in hospitality, design, and technology-driven customer experience not currently found in DC.

The grandiose style and design, infused with high bold drama and decadent glamour, aligns Opera with world-class venues and raises the bar for clubs and lounges in
Opera Ultra Lounge
Washington, DC
DC. Guests will indulge in a rich and sumptuous décor created by designer Francois Frossard, one of the most cutting-edge interior designers in the Americas. Best known for his designs of internationally-renowned hot spots in New York City, Las Vegas and Miami, including Privé, Opium, Set, and Mansion, Frossard’s focus on style, function, and originality brings a new level of sophistication and distinction to DC nightlife. The most recent implementation of his artistic vision, Opera, provides guests with an unrivaled experience, incorporating the latest in custom-fabricated design elements and furniture in a unique venue that will withstand the test of time.

Opera provides a new level of quality to the guest experience.  Advances in Customer Relations
Opera Ultra Lounge
Washington, DC
Management technology, currently only featured in Los Angeles, New York, Las Vegas and Miami, captures all aspects of an Opera guest’s experience and ensures that future visits are tailored precisely to his/her individual tastes and expectations. Added to this is the latest in sound and lighting technology, creating an environment that stimulates and defies the senses.

The Ultra Club entertainment venue brings variety and sophistication to Washington’s nightlife.

Premiering for the first time in DC, Opera’s world-renowned Funktion One sound system, courtesy of Sound Investment and BAHA Design Group, combines strong accurate bass with clear medium and high frequency sound that delivers perfect balance and a comfortable listening environment. The Funktion One sound system is installed in many world class nightclubs including The Boom Boom Room (NY), Liv (Miami), Cielo (NY), Playhouse (LA),and Space (Ibiza) and is internationally recognized as the best in audio quality and fidelity.

Opera Ultra Lounge
Washington, DC
Michael Meacham, founder of iDesign, whose signature lighting design style allows his clients to express their unique vision, designed the intelligent lighting and video display systems for Opera.  Considered one of the top lighting designers in the country, Meacham returned to his hometown of DC to implement the lighting system for Opera. The shared vision of his design with the managing partners made Opera the perfect project for his return to the DC social scene. pera’s group of partners have created an entertainment concept that is anticipated to shatter the mold of DC nightclubs by offering a full  entertainment schedule, including club-driven DJ bookings, live entertainment such as jazz bands and acoustic performances, social gatherings, art & cultural happenings, all in the heart of downtown DC.

Opera Ultra Lounge
1400 I Street, NW
WashingtonDC 20005

Wynn’s Encore Beach Club and Surrender Nightclub
Las Vegas, Nevada  USA

Steve Wynn and nightlife impresario Sean Christie set a new standard in Las Vegas and beyond with the creation of Encore Beach Club and Surrender Nightclub, the expansive daylife/nightlife entertainment complex in Encore at Wynn Las Vegas. The opulent venues blend the daytime beach party and sexy nightclub into an experience that transitions guests from day to night.

Encore Beach Club
Wynn Resort, Las Vegas
Encore Beach Club is the premier destination for the trendsetter seeking the quality party atmosphere usually found in European hot spots. Upon entering the 60,000-square-foot venue, guests are treated to a lush oasis featuring 40-foot palm trees surrounding three tiered pools. The deck offers couches and day beds featuring private safes. Guests preferring a cooler spot can choose to lounge on oversized lily pads resting in shallow water or dance under one of the shower poles. Encore Beach Club’s gaming pavilion beckons those looking to try their luck at blackjack or craps.

A more private Encore Beach Club experience can be found at one of the 26 cabanas outfitted with refrigerators and flat screen televisions. The exclusivity and opulence of the eight
Encore Beach Club
Wynn Resort, Las Vegas
bungalows spanning 350 square feet have set Encore Beach Club apart from its predecessors. Offering views of the Las Vegas Strip and of the pool party action itself, these VIP enclaves feature private dipping pools, showers, lavish furnishings and a temperature-controlled cooling and heating system set to each guest’s preferences.

Christie, operating partner of Encore Beach Club, Surrender Nightclub, Society Café and Andrea’s at Encore, has created an entertainment platform that showcases chart-topping acts including world-renowned electronic dance music DJs.

Surrender is the chic choice for those seeking an upscale nightlife party. The sensual indoor/outdoor venue is the ultimate environment for partygoers to enjoy the DJ sets by the biggest names in electronic dance music DJs. The inside offers a traditional premium nightlife environment with plush VIP tables surrounded by go-go dancers and the club’s signature back bar 90-foot metallic snake. Outside, extravagant cabanas and bungalows provide guests the opportunity to party under the stars, as the seasons allow.

Surrender Nightclub
Wynn Resort, Las Vegas
John Lyons Systems, the award-winning lighting and sound firm, developed a showcase DJ booth and audio system designed to withstand outdoor elements while delivering exceptionally rich, clear sound. Guests are dazzled by the eclectic décor, expansive bar and state-of-the art DJ booth featuring technology that can provide individual soundtracks for the nightclub, Encore Beach Club or an all-encompassing vibe for the entire venue. Through the use of innovative lighting technology from Lyons, the various architectural elements are illuminated, creating a striking, animated effect.

Encore Beach Club also features its own grill available to all patrons. Guests can indulge in flavorful fare including fresh salads, hearty sandwiches, wraps and BBQ items while enjoying the vibrant pool party scene.

Wynn Las Vegas and Encor Hotel
3131 Las Vegas Blvd. South
Las Vegas, Nevada  89109   USA

07 November 2013

The Best Way to Play in Bali :: LOCAL告诉你 - 怎么玩巴厘岛

from Golf Vacations + Lifestyle Magazine
November 2013










Ayana Resot & Spa, Bali


Ayana Resort & Spa




在金巴兰海滩上,成排的海鲜餐厅,椰壳和烤串成了除蔚蓝的海水之外的又一道风景线,从二十年前寥寥几家餐厅发展到现在数百家的燎原之势,可见旅游业给这里带来的无限商机。在这些餐厅中选择一家对味儿的餐厅可真不容易,但据Gede所言,比的当地人就认那最先开始经营的五家店,其中有一家名为Lia Cafe, 它就是老字号五家店其中之一,店面不大,装修也很简单,这么多年来老板几乎都没怎么重新装修,店虽小但是个吃海鲜的好地方,老板人非常热情,价格也实惠,加上人们口口相传的好口碑,难怪这里一直到现在依然火爆,每次去都是排着队,所以别捱到饭点再过去。想顺利用餐的话建议四点多去预定,然后五六点过去吃,因为正好那个时候还有乐队演奏,比较有情调。

Rock Bar, Ayana Resort, Bali
有特色。他还提到一家酒吧,名叫岩石酒吧(Rock Bar), 刚开始的时候很少有人知道,后来不知怎么就火了,就在金巴兰山丘的断崖下面。每个到访的客人需要搭乘峭壁山崖上的缆车到达悬崖底部才能够到达酒吧,据说这里每天都排着长长的队伍,并且还不接受预定。我惊喜地发现这家酒吧居然是Ayana的附属酒吧,这时候住在Ayana的好处由体现出来了:Ayana的住客可以优先排位。

KETUPATGede较中意的一家餐厅,这里供应各式印度尼西亚传统特产和美食,巴厘岛,苏门答腊,爪哇等地区的特色美食都能在这里品尝到,特别是特制的汤品。除了牛肉,鸡肉和常见的海鲜外,这里还有鲔鱼、乌贼和Sate Lilit烤肉串。 所有的菜式在菜单上都有照片和详细说明,就连当地人也称赞不已。

Gede提到在Poppies巷子里以及周围有几家口碑比较好的餐厅兼酒吧,就是不太好找,但是一些好店都有这特性。例如POPPIES厅就在巷子的深处藏着,这是一家具有25历史的中西合璧的餐厅,用餐区位于闲致凉爽的庭院,一般人很难找到这里来,所以还比较清静。在同一条街上的还有TJ′S MEXICAN RESTAURANT顾名思义这是一家具有墨西哥风味的餐厅酒吧,鸡尾酒中以玛格丽特和草莓代基里最为有名,服务非常周到,餐厅的主人还在甘地达萨(Candi Dasa)开了一家餐厅。

Potato Head Beach Club, Bali
深藏海说起年轻人可以消磨时间的地方,Gede马上想到了土豆头海滩俱乐部(Potato Head Beach Club), 这座位于塞米亚克的海滩俱乐部是一个光听名字就想一探究竟的地方,这座用名字将自己定位成诙谐嘻哈的俱乐部实际上是一个充满艺术感的文艺小清新,融汇了美食,美酒,酒店,时尚,艺术设计等系列元素,构成了一座拥有海滩俱乐部,三家风格迥异的餐厅和一个精品酒店的度假俱乐部,和库塔间亲密的距离感也是这里招徕游客的妙招之一。正如熟客们所描述的那样,土豆头不单单是一个娱乐场所,更是浓缩了印度尼西亚的文化,从印度尼西亚的根性出发,让印度尼西亚人和世界人民都来见证和感受印度尼西亚的传统文化的地方。

土豆头俱乐部现在是潮人最喜欢聚集的地方之一。是由巴厘岛当地有名的建筑师Andra Matin设计的,俱乐部入口隐藏在一条私家车道的路边,靠近俱乐部的时候各种颜色的醒目的百叶窗一下子让人眼前一亮,顺着这堵墙慢慢向前摸索,就好像探险和寻宝一样,等待揭开土豆头的神秘面纱,直到你能摸到建筑的正前方:一个月牙型的,层次分明的建筑矗立在海边,最大限度地将海景收入囊中。



Nirwana Golf Club, Bali

Bill首先提到的是尼瓦那(Bali Nirwana Golf Club), 这座出自格雷格诺曼之手的热带园林球场是最具巴厘岛特色的球场,几乎是来到巴厘岛的必打和首选。回想起那场球,Bill却面露遗憾:我清晨就驾车向球场驶去,穿过美丽的水稻梯田,车窗外是郁郁葱葱的热带风情,到达会所之后热情有礼的工作人员接待了我们,不经意间我瞥向窗外,辽阔的印度洋海面和岸
Nirwana Golf Club, Bali




New Kuta Golf Club
林克斯是Bill的最爱,巴厘岛也有一座林克斯球场——库塔(New Kuta Golf Club),他说新库塔球场的感觉和中国某些林克斯球场很像。新库塔球场位于巴厘岛南部Bukit岛的乌鲁瓦图悬崖边,Bukit岛曾经是巴厘岛的皇家狩猎场,说起乌鲁瓦图,那里著名的断崖神庙是最让人称道的,而新库塔就在这里居高临下,遥望印度洋。这座2007年建成的球场和尼瓦那难度相当,也难怪09年印度尼西亚公开赛会移师至此举办。

New Kuta Golf Club
为印度尼西亚第一家林克斯球场,新库塔坐拥Bukit岛最佳海景,其中后9为明显,是观赏梦幻海滩(Dreamland beach) 海滨景色的绝佳地带。悬崖边的第15洞是签名洞,无敌海景加上狂风骇浪,绝对是记分卡上的克星。

9较平和,但也有难点,比如第4洞和第7洞,有水障碍贯穿在球道上,比较难攻克。有几个洞是Bill认为难度比较大的, 比如第2洞,这是一个五杆上坡洞,但是沙坑的位置和果岭的设计安排巧妙,并且大大缩小了停球区的面积,开球需达到220码才有可能稳妥停在这片狭窄的区域,但是在周围沙坑造成的错觉下很难准确判断距离。当然更糟糕的还有第14洞和16洞,球道上的沙坑看上去就像随意安放的一样,使不少人感到非常棘手。但是不可否认的是,新库塔美丽的海景逐渐博得了球场摄影师们的欢心,同时成为了球友来到库塔的必去之地。


说起韩达拉(Bali Handara Golf & Country Club)和巴厘岛乡村(Bali Golf and Country Club),Bill做出了取舍,偏向韩达拉,其中原因或许是因为韩达拉曾经被Golf Magazine评为世界最伟大的50座球场之一。如此重量级的评价确实让人颇感好奇。

Bali Handara Golf & Country Club


Bali Handara Golf & Country Club



31 October 2013

Willow Stream Spa at Fairmont Peace Hotel Shanghai - 페어몬트 윌로우 스트림 스파

From Wellness Today Korea
October 2013

상하이 명소 페어몬트 윌로우 스트림 스파- 유서깊은 동서양 교류 중심지에서 명품 스파 서비스

[편집자 ] 거대 시장 중국에 세계적인 스파 브랜드들이 속속 입성하고 있다. 페어몬트 호텔 그룹의 글로벌 브랜드 '윌로우 스트림 스파' 상하이 와이탄 소재 페어몬트 피스 호텔에서 고급 서비스로 동서양 고급 고객들에게 호평받고 있다. 글로벌 통신원 Bill Healey 기자가  이곳을 직접 둘러 봤다.

1929년부터 상하이의 전설적인 호텔로 명성을 이어 페어몬트 피스 호텔(Fairmont Peace Hotel). 상하이 와이탄(上海外) 위치하고 도시의 랜드마크 역할을 호텔은 역사적인 의미에 현대적인 시설까지 더해져 오늘날 세계 각지의 럭셔리 여행객들을 유인하고 있다.

1930년대 극동의 최고 명소로 찬사를 받았던 10층짜리 페이몬트 피스 호텔의 아르데코 디자인은 시카고학파의 고딕 건축 양식으로 지어졌다. 푸른 () 소재로 뒤덮은 삼각 지붕은 와이탄 제방을 따라 지어진 여러 빌딩들 사이에서 단연 돋보이는 상징물이다. 호텔 피스 갤러리에는 오래된 즉석사진에서부터 후추통들에 이르기까지 다양한 역사의 흔적들이 보존되어 있다.

페어몬트 호텔 그룹의 유명한 스파 브랜드 윌로우 스트림 스파(Willow Stream Spa) 최신 메뉴 프로그램과 함께 이곳에 들어와 있다. 중국 현대사에서 동서양 문명 교류의 장이었던 이곳 호텔의
사적인 후광을 반영해 윌로우 스트림 스파는 서구의 최신 문명과 중국 철학의 핵심 요소들을 고급스럽게 조화시켜 최상급 서비스를 제공하고 있다.

윌로우 스트림 스파의 테라피는 에너지를 강조하고 있다. 아로마테라피 어소시에이츠 같은 유명 브랜드 제품 라인을 쓰고 있다. 모든 트리트먼트들과 제품들은 유서 깊은 페어몬트 피스 호텔과 상하이라는 도시의 , 그리고 이들의 과거와 현재를 녹여 것들로 첨단과 전통의 방식들이 함께 어우러져 있다.

필자 부부는 페이몬트 피스에 머무르며 커플 테라피를 제공받았다. 무척 만족스런 체험이었다. 며칠 발리에서 도착한 탓에젯래그 큐어 선택했다.

윌로우 스트림은 어느 스파보다 훌륭한 안락함과 고요함이 깃든 환경, 훈련된 테라피스트에 이르기까지 부족함이 없는 서비스 체계를 구축하고 있다. 관리를 받는 동안 불편함이 없는지를 묻는 적절한 커뮤니케이션 기법도 인상적이었다.

오래된 호텔 건물에 스파 시설이 새롭게 들어가기는 결코 쉽지 않은 일이다. 결코 작지 않은 윌로우
스트림 스파가 페어몬트 피스 호텔에 어떻게 이처럼 보기 좋게 입주해 있는 또한 놀라울 따름이다. 호텔과 마찬가지로 이곳 스파도 상하이의 교류 명소로 명성을 이어갈 것으로 보인다. 3
면적의 스파는 교류 공간과 휴식 공간으로 나뉘어 있고, 휘트니스센터, 요가 스튜디오, 실내 수영장, 리플렉솔로지 라운지, 9개의 싱글 트리트먼트 , 자체 하이드로테라피와 라운지를 구비한 2개의 커플 룸이 있다.

트리트먼트 메뉴 구성도 다양하다. 페이셜로는 윌로우스트림 골든 피네스, 안티에이징 제이드 페이셜, 골든 캐비어 페이셜 등이 있고, 비즈니스맨들이 좋아할만한 파운드 유어 에너지, 젯래그 큐어, 커스터마이즈드 바버 페이스 트리트머트 등이 있다. 번드 등마사지, 썬앤문, 아로마 허벌 요가 테라피 등도 추천할만한 메뉴들이다.

유서깊은 이곳 페어몬트 피스 호텔은 오랫동안 와보고 싶었던 곳이다.윌로우 스트림 스파와 더불어 보낸 이곳에서의 시간은 한동안 기억 속에서 지워지지 않을 같다.

< 저작권자 © 웰니스투데이 무단전재 재배포금지 >

======== ENGLISH VERSION ========

Willow Stream Spa at Fairmont Peace Hotel Shanghai
Unforgettable Relaxing Experience at a Cherished Historic Landmark in Shanghai

Shanghai’s legendary hotel address since 1929, Fairmont Peace Hotel is a cherished city landmark set on The Bund. One of the city’s most sought-after properties, this global hotel
icon combines historic grandeur with modern amenities, making it ideal for 21st Century luxury

The toast of the Far East in the 1930s, Fairmont Peace Hotel’s 10-floor art deco facade is designed in the Gothic style of the Chicago school. It is crowned by a green copper sheathed triangular roof, which has become a defining feature of the splendid Bund skyline. History is preserved in the hotel’s unique Peace Gallery, which features a wealth of precious items from Polaroid snaps to pepper shakers acquired from a worldwide quest for documentary evidence and memorabilia.

Willow Stream Spa, Fairmont Hotels & Resorts’ signature spa brand, is leading a new trend in spa services with its newly updated treatment menu. Drawing from the hotel’s storied legacy as a cross section of East and West, Willow Stream Spa is the quintessence of modern Western and traditional Chinese philosophies in a setting equally lavish and luxurious.

All therapies at Willow Stream Spa are “energy inspired” featuring prestigious international
spa brands like Aromatherapy Associates. Drawing from the glorious history of Fairmont Peace Hotel and the cosmopolitan character of Shanghai -- past and present -- the treatments incorporate time-honored spa traditions, Chinese influences, and advanced techniques and products connecting one to the soul of Shanghai and of Fairmont Peace Hotel.

It was with great satisfaction that my wife and I had the privilege of staying at the Peace Hotel and indulging in a couple’s treatment. Flying in from Bali a few days before, we selected their “Jet Lag Cure”.

The Willow Stream Spa’s luxurious setting provided a soothing and tranquil environment, enhanced by the quality service provided by the well trained therapists. Communication was easy as they took us through a series of questions to ensure the proper care was taken during the treatment.

Having experienced other spas retrofitted into older hotels, I was surprised at how well this sizeable spa fit into this landmark hotel. Just as the Peace Hotel served as glamorous
playground for many years, we expect the Willow Stream Spa will be an energizing social hub for Shanghai for years to come. The 1008 square metre spa is specially designed with spaces for socializing and quiet relaxation. It features an integrated fitness centre, a yoga studio, a sky lit indoor swimming pool, a tranquil reflexology lounge, nine single suites and two couples’ suites each with its own private hydrotherapy, bathing and lounging areas.

Their new extensive menu offers advanced face treatments such as Willow Stream Gold Finesse, Anti – Aging Relaxing Jade Facial Therapy and the Golden Caviar Deluxe Facial.
And businessmen will feel right at home with a selection of treatments designed specifically for their needs – Find Your Energy, Jet Lag Cure, Customized Barber Face Treatment – as well as a Sun and Moon, Aroma Herbal Yoga Therapy and Bund Back Massage.

Staying at the historic Peace Hotel had been on my agenda for many years.
Experiencing the property along with the Willow Stream Spa is certainly a highlight that will be remembered for quite a long time.

< 저작권자 © 웰니스투데이 무단전재 재배포금지 >