01 December 2013

Hot Interview - Yasha Chatab

from Hotelier Indonesia
Issue 15, November 2013

We were fortunate to catch up with Yasha Chatab at the Indonesia E-Tourism Summit in Bali a few weeks back.  He is the Group Business Development Director at WIR Group.

[HI] You have quite an extensive background in the Corporate Branding industry. Could you
Hotelier Indonesia Magazine
Issue 15, November 2013
summarize your industry background?

[YC]  After my 4 years in MetroTV, I went to the "dark side", as referred to by some skeptic journalist friends, working and communicating the interests of corporations: as public relations consultant.

However, all the messages that are communicated to the public (and also internally within an organization / corporation) usually has a source. That source, I discovered, came from the BRAND platform. I had always drawn to the core of communications and I found it in branding. So it's been my passion ever since. Many problems in communications start at the brand platform level, mostly because it doesn't exist or somehow an organization has deviated from it. I'm here to correct that. Also I realized that it is NOT the dark side afterall..

[HI] What corporate philosophy or mission drives WIR Global?  And that drives you?

[YC]  My passion for branding is what drives me. WIR offers services that cover the brand platform and how to activate brands using different channels: public relations, technology, digital campaign, and many more.

[HI] You've consulted for some impressive clients around the world. What are some of the exotic locations and sites your travels have taken you to?

[YC]  Myanmar has so far been the most exotic place during my tenure in WIR. And I haven’t even been to the most exotic places there. However, I'm still very much amazed by places in Indonesia. I just visited Bromo, in my semi-leisure time to run the Bromo (half) Marathon in early September, and it really blew me away. I really wish to work with more regional tourism boards / local governments to work on their destination branding.

[HI] What are some of the interesting trends in hospitality branding?

[YC]  Hospitality branding, as in other industries, involves different players working on different strategies to achieve each party's objective. The trend that I see is that country tourism boards are getting more sophisticated and creative in creating campaign to promote their country as tourism destination. Indonesia still needs to work on its branding, although I know the Ministry (of Tourism and Creative Economy) are working hard on this. The key words are "leadership", "coordination", and "integrated effort". No easy task.

Any successful campaign done abroad and domestically must also have a good local campaign to ensure that what is promised is delivered by local parties.

[HI] How do you see the prospects for industry growth in Asia for the coming years?

[YC]  As the regional economy is growing, more people are traveling and vacationing in the region. Many destinations to choose with many low-cost options.

[HI]  Are there particular countries that will surprise people?

[YC]  Any place that one has not been to has the potential to surprise him/her. Everytime I go to Bali I am always looking to be surprised by something new or something that will exceed my expectation.

[HI]  Its been said that a person's home is their castle.  What then is his his workspace?   For some it’s organized chaos. I’d like to ask what’s on your desk and how is that is a reflection of your workplace?

[YC]  I'm actually very mobile so I spend more than half my time at coffee shops or in the car. So that's my workspace! :D
[HI] We’d like to thank you for participating and contributing to Hotelier Indonesia. Is there anything further you’d like to add?

[YC]  The hotel industry in Indonesia is at a boom, especially in the 3-4 star hotel market. I think the success of the Tune Hotels brand (with its very hip image - low budget offering) has inspired other hotel groups (and new players). Sure, most people can copy the concept, create similar "hip" and minimalistic design, and apply similar pricing. But when a hotel brand has no clear and strong brand platform, in time they will lose the battle because they lack the "soul" that drives the business. The soul of the brand is what inspires employee to be the best at what they do. Business is about tangible and intangible. The intangible asset should be at least twice the value of the tangible asset, such as building and land value. For customers the brand experience of the hotel brands are about the holistic experience, not only about how big the rooms are or how cool the logos are placed in the amenities. So hotel owners must understand the need of a brand platform as the "soul" of the hotel.

[HI]  How would our readers find out more about your firm?

WIR Group Indonesia
website:  www.wirglobal.com